Systemic Organizational Consulting

Portrait - André Pfändler

As a representative of eo ipso Strategie & Entwicklung GmbH in Switzerland, André Pfändler enjoys being able to pursue one of his passions professionally - the development of organizations by jointly realizing strategically important projects as well as groups and individuals in challenging development situations. His theoretical knowledge and his many years of international practical experience in the field of organizational, adult and executive development are reflected in his activities as a consultant, moderator and trainer.

Sein theoretisches Wissen und seine langjährigen, internationalen praktischen Erfahrungen, im Bereich der Organisations-, Erwachsenen- und Führungskräfteentwicklung, spiegeln sich in seinen Tätigkeiten als Berater, Moderator und Trainer wieder.

Key aspects

  • Strategic organizational and personnel development
  • Sustainable support of change processes
  • Management and team development
  • Promotion of intercultural cooperation
  • Conception and moderation of customer-specific large group events


  • Qualified banker
  • Qualified SMI seminar leader
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Strategic Training Management at the Basel University of Applied Sciences
  • South East Asia in Singapore from 2005 to 2009
  • Director for Senior Leadership & Management Development of a large Swiss finance company since 10 years